
In case you think this program is too good to be true!

Great magazine! The free golf deal is outrageous! I hope you do it again next year.

I only played 4 of the courses and still think this is the best deal in golf. I’m buying one for my 3 buddies I play with each Tuesday. I know I’ll be using it a lot more next year!

My subscription saved me over $600 in greens fees this year.

I played more courses this summer than ever. My Golfing Magazine subscription was the best investment I made. I’m definitely renewing.

When my daughter gave me a subscription to your magazine and I received the certificate I thought it meant I got a free round at any one of the listed courses. Then I found out I got a free round at EACH of the courses. I don’t know how you do it but I hope you keep it up. Thanks!

I gave up my country club membership and ended up playing more golf last summer than ever. Playing a different course every week has me hooked all over again.

A subscribed button in green with transparent background
The logo of verifies and secure by godaddy with white background